Press Release
17th October 2022
The Freedoms & Rights Coalition

Today the much anticipated and newly founded umbrella political party, Freedoms NZ, has raised the flag and submitted its party registration to the Electoral Commission.
How timely when today's headlines state that Jacinda and Winston are fighting for power again, when they are the very culprits that gave us this controlling government, and created this Covid carnage. Fresh politics is desperately needed, now more than ever, where there will be no more room for career politicians.
The Freedoms & Rights Coalition (TFRC) have been the architects behind the creation of Freedoms NZ. As TFRC have engaged with thousands of their supporters in parks and town halls across New Zealand over the past year, the constant cry from the people has been that they want to have hope in their vote again. The people are clear...they want minor parties to unite to contest the next general election.
TFRC have listened to the voice of the people and initiated the first stages by establishing this umbrella party that is open to all to join. Already, New Nation Party and Vision New Zealand have quickly committed as component parties, and other minor parties are still in the process of negotiations.
Freedoms NZ has the answers to get representation politics back into the hands of the people. The whole current political institution has failed everyday New Zealanders.
Freedoms NZ believe that united we stand, divided we fall. Any minor parties not interested in unity for the greater good of the people will reveal themselves to be divisive. The good news is, there is still time for many parties to put their personal agendas and egos aside as the door remains open for additional parties to join this umbrella party.
The combined force of the TFRC movement behind Freedoms NZ and these minor parties will be a force to be reckoned with at the next general election.
Freedoms NZ classify themselves as a radically sensible movement. They will make commonsense common again!
The President of Freedoms NZ, Brian Tamaki, is set to announce the exciting key policy pillars of Freedoms NZ on Monday 24th October 2022 at an event hosted by The Freedoms & Rights Coalition.
Amongst the announcements will be some controversial policy pillars that Freedoms NZ believe are necessary to build a better New Zealand. As a teaser...
Freedoms NZ state “We are putting this government on an immediate crash diet!
The underbelly or darkside of a bloated bureaucracy is weighing this country down. The wasteful spending of this government is killing our country of its potential. High inflation, the high cost of living, all have links back to our bloated bureaucracy.
1 in 3 New Zealanders are currently on the taxpayers’ payroll, either as employees or beneficiaries. This is an incredible burden for taxpayers to carry.
Since Grant Robertson became finance minister five years ago, government spending has risen by 68%.
This government spent $48 billion over six months under the guise of Covid, when the facts reveal much of this money was diverted out the side door to projects such as $746m going to Internal Affairs for their ‘Water Infrastructure fund’, $21.75m to Radio New Zealand or $27.5m to containing wallabies. It seems Covid has been the convenient excuse for all frivolous spending.
Fresh reports today reveal they have found there are 50 middle managers in one Auckland local government-controlled organisation alone at a massive cost to taxpayers. This begs the question, how many middle managers can be found at the central government level if one starts digging?
Many government departments need to go on a crash diet and trim down. The taxpayers are tired of carrying all this excess deadweight around.
Freedoms NZ believes there should be more money in people’s pockets, and less in governments!
The collateral damage from the government’s Covid response is really starting to hit home for Kiwis, resulting in immeasurable damage.
Freedoms NZ has commonsense solutions to this and many other pertinent issues to help build a better New Zealand again.
On Monday, 24th October 2022, Freedoms NZ will clearly outline what they stand for.
Media and the public are invited to Monday’s event as follows:
Monday 24th October 2022
9am – 1pm
Sir Noel Robinson Conference Centre
Due Drop Events Centre
770 Great South Road, Manukau, Auckland