Opinion Piece
3rd December 2021

Today marks a new era of draconian segregation in New Zealand society. As the clock struck midnight last night, two classes of people were legalised…the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.
While many Kiwis falsely believe its freedom day, today actually exposes an ugly underbelly within New Zealand that now has parliamentary licence to unleash itself…discrimination.
We now have many vaxxed supremacists who believe they have every right to look down their noses and ostracise, ridicule, berate, harass and prosecute a particular class of people in New Zealand. We now have what they perceive as the new ‘Untermensh’ in New Zealand. This is a German word for ‘inferior people.’ Just watch as a whole new breed of medical supremacists, narks and vigilantes unfold in our communities.
There is little or no regard by these vaxxed supremacists to the fact that many individuals have good and legitimate reasons for why they are unvaxxed.
We see Māori, who have long claimed discrimination themselves, now the perpetrators of discrimination as Iwi try to block and ban individual’s freedom of movement around the country. Also as Māori are herded up and hunted in their homes by Māori organisations and pressured to take the vaccine against their free will.
Already we’ve heard many incidents of discrimination due to the vaccination status of individuals. One individual was denied access from their doctor’s indoor clinic due to not being vaccinated. Instead, they were ostracised outside under a gazebo in the carpark, where they had to be seen there.
Not all of the vaxxed behave in this way though, as many have unfortunately been the victims of coercion and workplace mandates themselves. Many vaxxed feel increasingly awkward with the discrimination beginning to unfold. This is only the tip of the iceberg with what’s about to unfold.
The Chief Human Rights Commissioner has also raised his concerns about how this new Traffic Light System law was railroaded through in Parliament.
If you take a gander at the Human Rights Commission website, it makes for some interesting reading concerning our rights under Covid-19. Here’s just a couple of excerpts:
Even in times of crisis, people have human rights that safeguard their dignity. Even in times of emergency, human rights place binding obligations upon the Government to abide by commitments they have made. The Government has obligations to limit the spread of Covid-19, but restrictions must be necessary, proportionate and respectful of human dignity. The Government has Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights obligations to protect people’s economic and social rights, as well as their civil and political rights.
Vaccination status certificates have human rights implications, particularly regarding access to services and facilities. In its statement on Human Rights and Access to Vaccines, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that vaccination status certificates require intensive attention to pre-empt potential discrimination and monitor distribution to ensure equality and avoid discrimination. It is essential that the Government’s framework for the use of vaccination status certificates takes a human rights approach to avoid inequality and discrimination. Public health measures must be reasonable and proportionate to protect all human rights.
Can I be refused service or entry to a public place if I am unvaccinated for health reasons? Blanket rules that only allow vaccinated people to access services or facilities may constitute unlawful discrimination under the Human Rights Act in certain situations. For example, some disabled people cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons. To treat disabled people differently, by refusing service or entry or by offering more onerous terms of service or entry, causes detriment and might constitute unlawful discrimination under the Human Rights Act.
Can I be refused access or services because I am unvaccinated due to my personal beliefs? The Human Rights Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of their political opinion or religious belief (or any other protected ground in the Act)…Someone who holds a religious belief that prevents them from being vaccinated may be able to object on religious grounds. Generally, someone making a claim on religious grounds would need to show their belief is sincere and connected to an established religion, rather than a personally held belief.
We’d strongly encourage you to research and read all of the info on the Human Rights Commission website here www.hrc.co.nz/resources/human-rights-relation-covid-19/
All of us, now urgently need to state our case to the Human Rights Commission. We need to all document and report every time we suffer discrimination and are refused access or services under this new Traffic Light System. Let’s prove the severity of this new form of discrimination by overwhelming the Human Rights Commission with complaints. Let’s run the lights!
We’d encourage you to take the following steps:
Human Rights Commission complaint process
Step 1.
If you are kicked out of an establishment, restaurant, school, shop, sports team, club, church, organisation etc or receive diminished service, document it. Ideally, take live video footage of the incident. Record the business name, address, contact details, and the time and date of the incident.
Step 2.
Contact the Human Rights Commission through either of the following methods:
Phone 0800 496 877
Email infoline@hrc.co.nz
Text 021 0236 4253
Download a paper complaint form here: www.hrc.co.nz/files/1615/7921/0796/Complaints_Form_Word-20.pdf and return by email or post to PO Box 6751, Victoria Street West Auckland 1142
Fill in an online complaint here www.hrc.co.nz/complaint-form/
Step 3.
Retain a copy of your complaint made to the Human Rights Commission and email it to us at office@tfrc.org.nz with the subject heading ‘HRC Complaint’ so we can collate and present an overarching case to the Human Rights Commission on 16th December 2021, requesting for these cases to be urgently attended to.
Step 4.
You should proceed through the Human Rights Commission process
Step 5.
The Human Rights Commission will contact you within 15 days and arrange mediation with the other party. If that mediation does not work you can also take your case to the Human Rights Review Tribunal.
Step 6.
The Human Rights Review Tribunal will serve the other party with papers.
Step 7.
The other party that rejected you will think they can win in court, but they will have to spend great personnel, time and financial resources to achieve this.
Step 8.
The Office of Human Rights Proceedings (OHRP) provides free legal representation to complainants to take selected discrimination cases to the Human Rights Review Tribunal.
Step 9.
Judges could force the other party to pay. After all, the Human Rights Commission should remind them no business, private or public, can discriminate against anyone based on religion, race or any health reasons because it is illegal.
Step 10.
Everyone could overwhelm these businesses/organisations enforcing vaccine passes with these Human Rights complaints that they will choose to abandon checking vaccine passes by allowing everyone inside and not turning anyone away.
Any business/organisation enforcing the vaccine passes should have to face the consequences for breaching our human rights, and they will not be able to handle the sheer volume of cases they receive.
Help us publicly shame Human Rights discrimination
We’d encourage you to also post online any videos of discrimination that you experience, tag ‘The Freedoms & Rights Coalition’ and use #NoMoreTrafficLights
Also, join us tomorrow, Saturday 4th December 2021 at 11am, around the country as we gather, march and stand against this discriminating Traffic Lights system. As we march we will make the general public aware, awkward and uncomfortable with the discrimination they are helping to perpetuate as they help this government to enforce the Traffic Lights system.
This government is only getting away with this draconian Traffic Light system because a large portion of New Zealand is complicit and willing participants. Shame on you New Zealand.
Freedom Fighters, let’s not stop or slow down, instead, let’s run these traffic lights that will cause irreparable damage across New Zealand society. The power is in the hands of we the people!